So, we had our first soccer game Feb. 28th...then we had a bye week, then our next game got rained out, then we were off for spring break. Today was supposed to be our second game in a season that is now going to last until May with makeup games. Today we were also supposed to get a lot of rain. I told Jaden this morning that her game might get rained out and this was her response, "If we don't play today it will be like a thousand years since our last game and by the time we play again we will all be skeletons." So maybe I have a bit of a drama queen on my hands, but we did get to play, so at least I don't have a skeleton on my hands!!! Here are a couple of pictures from tonight's game...which didn't go so well for our little team, but J did say she had a good time and came close to scoring several goals. Maybe next time!!!
I'm glad she's not a skeleton either! Just curious...what was Joe telling J in the picture of them together? As for our soccer season, it is indoor, and Aaron's 1st game will be Thursday night. We also have several Monday evening games, 2 of which START at 7:30. UGH! Guess that's what we get for playing indoor w/ only 4 fields :)