Monday, June 15, 2009

Don't miss me too much

My mom came to get Jaden for a week long trip up to the Panhandle, and let me tell you this little one was ready to go!!! She was packed last weekend and had to wait a whole week looking at her suitcase just waiting for her ride to show up, poor thing. Mom was talking about leaving around noon on Sunday, but I think she got tired of J asking if she was ready to go, so they were out the door and loading up around 10:30.

"Ok, I've gone back in and used the bathroom...anything else I have to do before I can get outta here?"

There is a cheer clinic at daycare this year, we haven't signed up for it (aka paid for it) but they let the girls try it out on Friday, presumably so they could go home and tell their parents how much fun it as and add it to the list of things our paychecks are going toward this summer. Anyway, this is a picture of her doing one of the cheers she learned to hurry MamMaw along...

"Let's go, Let's go, L-E-T-S-G-O" I heard this one alot Sun. morning.

"OK, I'll pose for one picture with MamMaw then can we PLEASE get this show on the road!!!"

Aww look all buckled in and ready to go.

"Hey, I was ready to go here people, are you coming or what?"

Doesn't she just look so sad to be going away from me for a week...I can just see her crying herself to sleep every night because she's missing me too much!!!

1 comment:

  1. Rest assured that she does miss you. When I thanked her today for sending me a letter, I said "Your mom should go on one of these retreats." Her comment to me was "I would miss her. I don't want her to be gone from me for that long." I guess it's okay for her to leave you, but not for you to leave her...
